Passing 500
A fairly quiet week order wise but I have kept busy preparing for future orders by making models, baking, making buttercream and then a bit of DIY to finish off the week. Plus I've been caring for my Dads parrot Freddy who has been fun to have. I also took my 500th order and the person who ordered it got £5 off to help me celebrate.
Monday I did all my baking then later in the day I did some edible images for a last minute order for next week, that might not seem like last minute but to give models chance to set properly they have to be done in plenty of time.
Tuesday I made four batches of different flavoured buttercream for a project for tomorrow. Then in the afternoon I made this little chap for a future cake. I'm starting to really enjoy my model making and love learning new skills along the way.
Wednesday morning a quick trip out to get supplies and to fill up my car with petrol. Oh my word, I went dizzy at the cost!
Then I did some wedding cake tasters for three possible wedding cake orders in the future. All different flavours, Lemon, Caramel, Chocolate and vanilla. Unfortunately I forgot to photograph any of these. Oops!
Then I made another few models for a future order including this cute little chap with his Hendersons relish bottle.
Thursday morning I had a delivery from Wren kitchens. Unfortunately some of my cupboardc door fronts have started peeling and because all Wren kitchens are guaranteed they agreed to swap them all. My kitchen is quite large and there were a lot of boxes arrived.
Thursday afternoon this two layer orange flavoured cake was collected, orange sponge, orange buttercream, orange frosting and dark chocolate drip. Decorated with Sheffield Steelers images and chocolates, finished with a personalised topper.
Friday morning I did a bit more baking and then in the afternoon this two layer vanilla cake filled with buttercream and jam, frosted green and decorated with a black drip, topped with edible Minecraft images, chocolates and sweets. Finished off with a personalised topper.
Saturday, the first day of kitchen cupboard doors swapping, not much to say here apart from it is a big kitchen and there are a lot of doors, 43 to be exact. We are changing them from a shaker style door to a handleless door. Hopefully it will be easier to keep clean too.
Then my dad arrived back from his holiday to collect Freddy the parrot. He's been fun!
Sunday morning was more of the same, very tiring and we even had a bit of help from my daughter Holly. It is starting to look really nice though. Then a couple of hours in the garden to finish off the weekend.
Can't wait for next week!